Watch out for this spider -BE CAREFUL

Watch out for this spider..forward to everyone its not a joke

Please ensure all the family take a good look at this spider..........maybe some should not look at the photos of the person who got bitten on the thumb and the end result.......but please take note of what the spider looks like. So if it looks like a huntsman and you are not sure, for your safety's sake...KILL IT!

This is a new known spider, so please take note.
Has been found all over Kuala Lumpur . Looks similar to a huntsman.

This spider is in all states so watchout. Not a good look!!
Please take note of this spider - it is very dangerous.
Please warn kids and send to every one you know to alert them as well!
This spider is breeding at a rate of speed and is found in more and more houses!!!!

Day 5

Day 6

Day 9

Day 10


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